From: willemvermeer
Message: 35601
Date: 2004-12-23
> >What I find unsettling about the Nestor argument is that it has nothe
> >conceivable bearing on the problem, even if we grant that
> >Nestor's/Sylvester's Walachians were speakers of Rumanian. Given
> >Balkan potential for small populations of mountain pastoralists toHe does so as follows:
> >expand into suitable low-lying areas, demographic conditions in the
> >ninth century just cannot be projected back into the past.
> Why 'Nestor argument is that it has no conceivable bearing onthe
> problem'? The details that gives here are quite impressionant:exact
> place name: river names, city names, populations etc...please readperson.
> him again the details indicates clearly shows a well informed
> I also want to ask you if is true that: 'river Polota, flows intoThe reason is very elementary and I am sure I stated it clearly
> Dvina' or we have to doubt this to.