From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 35591
Date: 2004-12-23
>Well, Sammallahti gives the word as falu (short u) "village,
>>>> *ra:tja: > *rO:tja --> rat,ã etc.
> >>
>>> the Hungarian reflex of it has an [u]: ruca ['rutzO].
>> We have PFU *palwa > Hu. falu, so /u/ may be the regular
>> reflex of */wa/ in Hungarian.
>Falva ['fOlvO], plur. falvák ['fOlva:k] (which is the standard language
>synonym for falú, as well as an usual name place component similar to
>-dorf constructions in German, e.g. Düsseldorf) is still there, as the
>reflex of the PFU *palwa. (BTW, Hung. fal [fOl] "wall"; "Wand & Mauer")