Re: [tied] PIE *Wers-, skr. varsati, lat. versare, rom. varsã ?

From: petegray
Message: 35232
Date: 2004-12-01

I cannot help you with the etymology of Romanian "varsã" ("liquid flow,
spill") indicated as
from lat. versare. I can tell you that Latin versare is not from the *wer-s
root, but a frequentative from verto, and therefore from the *wert root. If
the Romanian does indeed derive from this, there has been a limitation of
meaning. The Latin means "to turn over" (e.g. a cup of water, or a leaf, or
an idea in the mind); Romanian must have limited this to turning over a
container of liquid. There is therefore no need to find a direct link with
PIE or with Sanskrit.
