From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 34860
Date: 2004-10-27
> 1. if we were to latinise <Audry>, would it be <Audrius>?Aldericus, just like Baudouin = Baldwin (Bealdwine) = Balduinus.
> and i would like to see the evolution from frankish <aldrich> to mod.
> french <audry>.. i was wondering about old french and middle french...
> auldery, audery, audericus??? was the frankish name latinised first
> before changing into audry/autry/audric? help please again.
> 3. is it the same for kentish and low german? and anglian? if it had aThe historical roots of Modern Standard English(es) are more Anglian
> cognate in west saxon, i guess it would be possible to have a
> middle/new english version, right? -->auldric? :) serious help on this
> one.