On 04-10-06 14:51, Sergejus Tarasovas wrote:
>>... there's no shortage of Slavic
> and Baltic...
Of course.
>>adjectives in *-InU < *-ino-.
> So, if I understand correctly, you do accept their de-locatival origin (more
> precisely, de-locatival origin of the suffix *-ina-) ? Or have I
> misunderstood something?
I wouldn't exclude other sources of *-ina- without a thorough
examination of the types of adjectives that involve it, but yes, I think
its popularity in Balto-Slavic has resulted from the viral
generalisation of the original de-locatival type. Thus, I'd compare
Slavic *vesenInU and Lith. vasarinis more or less directly with Gk.
e(:)arinos, Lat. vernus as derivatives of *weseni (--> *weserin-o-, with
*-n- analogically restored in Slavic). Adjectives of material may be
another old type: cf. Gk. dru(*w)inos 'oaken', Slavic (substantivised)
*drUvIno 'wood'.