Re: Why borrow 'seven'? (was: IE right & 10)

From: tgpedersen
Message: 34143
Date: 2004-09-14

--- In, "Richard Wordingham"
<richard.wordingham@...> wrote:
> --- In, "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...>
> wrote:
> > Within the lunar month the moon has four phases, each about a
> =
> > 7 days long. That's sacred for ya.
> So perhaps a tendency to become a taboo word. That might explain
> the independent Uralic borrowings from different branches of IE.

More likely from moon-worship?
Does the Biblical account of the divine origin of the seven-day week
have parallels in other mythologies? I mean if God put the moon in
the sky to remind us of the seven-day period, he must mean business?
