Czech "horse" expressions (do not worry, no unicode ;-))

From: Petr Hrubiš
Message: 33042
Date: 2004-06-02

There are interesting expressions in Czech with meaning of:
1. horse: ku:n^ < OS  *kon'I < IE ??? or a loan? (often linked to kobyla and komon^, but unclear)
2. rip, mare, hack: kobyla < OS *kobyla < IE ??? or a loan? (often linked to ku:n^, komon^ and Gk. kabálle:s, Lat. caballus, but unclear)
3. horse (archaic): komon^ < OS *komon'I < IE ??? or a loan? (often linked to ku:n^, kobyla and Lith. ka¨manas "bridoon, bridle" < IE *kem- "squeez" etc.)
Any ideas?
Can anyone help? Any IE or Non-IE cognates, parallels?