Re: [tied] IE words for monkey,ape : Ke:pos, Kapi, Apan, Opica, ABr

From: enlil@...
Message: 32971
Date: 2004-05-30

> Is there any explanation for the IE words for monkey?
> Germanic apan
> Old Russian opica
> Celtic (Hesychius) abranas
> Greek ke:pos, ke:bos
> Sanskrit ka:pi
> A loanword? *Ha:p-, *Xa:p

Gamrelidze and Ivanov reconstruct a word for 'monkey' in IE
but I've already mentioned my distrust for their reconstructions.
Personally, I'd say that it's more likely that the word entered
these languages independently after the fracture of the IE language
area, although I don't know precisely from which language or
languages offhand. Anybody else know a possible foreign source of
the term?

= gLeN