Re: [tied] o/e or reduplication

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 32943
Date: 2004-05-26

On Wed, 26 May 2004 02:23:33 +0200 (MET DST), Jens Elmegaard
Rasmussen <jer@...> wrote:

>> I simply prefer *wednós, *wedéni, because of the complete
>> parallel with Vedic udnás, udén(i).
>This will be reading an alternation into the graphics of a paradigm that
>do no show that. What is the basis of the assumption that the presumed
>cluster of /wedn-/ would be written with -te- and -ti-?

Standard Hittite orthographic practice. The cluster is
written using signs that echo the preceding vowel (/linkta/
= li-ni-kta, /walhzi/ = wa-al-ah-zi). How else could
/wednas/ be written?

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal