[tied] Re: Slavic accentual mobility

From: elmeras2000
Message: 32285
Date: 2004-04-24

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Mate Kapovic" <mkapovic@...>

> >> So do you think that all i-verbs originally had a. p. a stress
> the -i-
> >> or what? Like *dogovori´´l7?
> >I don't follow. You posited *do``govorilU yourself. Is that wrong
> >now?
> It's not. It's what you get comparing Slavic lgs. But you seemed
to claim
> that it is not expected considering the laryngeal in PIE and that
it is
> analogical to the monosyllabic aorist. Or have I misunderstood

I'm afraid so. The -i- of derived i-verbs does not contain a
laryngeal. There were two types, causative-iteratives in *-eyé-, and
denominatives in *-eyé-. I would assume the two morphemes (if
undisturbed by other factors) gave circumflex *-i:~- and acute *-í:-
in Balto-Slavic (but they often were disturbed).
