Re: [tied] Whence Grimm?

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 31662
Date: 2004-04-01

01-04-2004 23:33, Piotr Gasiorowski wrote:

> Gmc. *sad(u)laz is mysterious. I've seen suggestions that it might be a
> loan from Indo-Iranian, but where in Indo-Iranian do we find a plausible
> prototype attested with the meaning 'saddle'? If the word comes from the
> same source as Slavic sed(U)lo (including the possibility of a loan from
> Slavic), why on earth do they have different vocalism? Any ideas, anybody?

An afterthought: an Iranian derivative of *sk^ed- 'to cover' (Skt.
cHadati; cHada- 'cover, covering')? *sk^- would have given Iranian *s-.
Just thinking aloud.
