Romanian-Albanian (a)
From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 31412
Date: 2004-03-11
1. Rom. AIURÁ, aiurez `to rave, rant, to talk nonsense' (DEX Din
aiure(a).) Alb. <jerm> `delirium', <jermoj> `to rave, to be
delirous'. PAlb. <jarm>, due to i-Umlaut <jerm>. Thracian
<ermas> `mad'(*e before consonant cluster is diphthonged in
Alb. /ja/, until the palatal glide /j/ is treated in Romanian
as /ai/, cf. Slav. /java/ and its result in Romanian as >aievea).
Other cognate, to my view, is Greek <he herme> `movement,
excitement, desire, passion' and maybe Lat. <sermo, -onis> `speech,
discourse'. All these examples lead us to PIE root *ser- `to line
up', indeed to its suffixed form *ser-mo in Albanian and Greek and
*ser-mon in Latin.
2. Rom. ALIVÃNÍ, alivãnesc, vb. IV. Tranz. ºi refl. (Reg.) A (se)
arunca, a (se) rostogoli; a (se) duce în lume ºi a-ºi pierde urma.
Al. <alivani> `faint, swoon'.
3. Rom <amorTi> `to become insensible, frigid' (DEX Lat.
*ammortire). Alb. <mërdhij> `to freeze' from PIE *merg'h- `to rot,
4. Rom. ANINÁ, anín `to hung up, to hook' (DEX Lat. *anninare).
Alb. <anoj> `to incline', a deverbative of Alb. <anë> `side' from
probably PIE *ant-ah2, related to Skt <ánta> `end', Goth
<andeis> `id.'.
5. Rom. APÃSÁ, apắs `to push, press, to weigh' .(DEX Lat.
*appensare.). Alb. <peshoj> `to weigh, to honor, to stress',
deverbative of <peshë> `weight', probably from PIE *(s)pen-, indeed
from extended suffixed o-grade *pond-es > pashë, through Umlaut,
making singularized plural > peshë `weight, stone', attested in
compound <gur-a-pesh>, kind of game known as stone-throwing.
6. Rom. ARGEÁ (DEX Et. nec.) Alb. <ërgallë/rrëgallë> (Rosetti).
Primary meaning in Romanian is <<celar, basement> (Rosetti Fr.`sous-
sol'), until in Alb. <<gully, steep slope>>. Attested form in Mac.
<argella> `Bade-Hütte'. I believe that this word is related to Greek
<roks, rogos> `abyss, deep place' and Slav. <raka> `grave, tomb',
but in Alb. and Rom., due to shift of accent in last syllable, we
have metahtesis r a > a r (cf. Lat. ratio, -nis > Alb.
<arsye> `reason').
7. Rom. ARMÃSÁR 'stallion' [Var.: (reg.) harmãsár s.m.] (DEX Lat.
[equus] admissarius.) Alb. <hamshor> `stallion'. This concordance
was also notices by Alex, after my message of the outcome of PIE *sp-
in Albanian.
8. Rom. ASEMÃNÁ `to resemble, to look like' (DEX. Din fr.
assimilare.). Alb. <gjamë>, participle of verb <ngjanj> `to look
like, to resemble' (cf. also <asemnare> `id.'), from PIE *sem `one,
also adverbialy _as one_, together with'.
9. Rom. ASTRUCÁ `to cover, hide, shelter' (DEX Lat. *astruicare).
Alb. <struk> `to cover, shelter'. Probably of extended suffixed form
*truk- of basice root *terH- `to cross over, overcome', prefixed in
10. Rom. <aSchie> 'chip, splinter' (DEX Lat. ascla (= astula sau
assula). Alb. <ashkë> `chip, splinter', cf. also Rom. <boasca> and
Alb. <bujashkë> `id.'. Alb. <ashkë> from PIE *ak^s-, suffixed in kë
Rom. interj. <aba>. Alb. <obobo>
Rom. AI-1 interj. `to express pain'. Alb. <ai/oi> `id.'
Rom. AI-2 , particle for expressing interogative meaning. Alb.
<a> `id.'
Rom. AHT `pain, suffering, grief' (DEX Din ngr. áhti dorinþã
arzãtoare"). Alb. <aht> `sigh, groan, curse, agony, throes'.
Germ. <acht>, germanic and celtic root `excommunication of society,
anathema, curse'(Ausschlus aus [weltchen] Gemeinshaft); OIr.e:cht
<murder from revenge> (Totschlag aus Rache). Maybe in the best way
this word could be explained by Albanian composition <ah(t)
marrje> `revenge'.
Rom. AMÃGÍ, amãgesc `to mistify, decieve' (DEX Lat. *ammagire. ).
Alb. <bëj mëgji> `to decieve', probably from Lat. <magia> `magic,
Rom. <amurga> 'twilight', Alb. <mugë>, probably from <murgë> 'id.'
from Germanic root <morg-/morn->.
Rom. ARÁMÃ, (2) `copper, brass' (DEX Lat. *aramen). Alb.
<rem> `copper', probably from oldest form <rami>. According to N.
Jokl, from Lat. aera:men `bronze or copper shavings', for me, very
doubtful, because the long /a:/ would yields in Alb. /o/. But, this
etymology is acceptred by Mihaescu, Çabej, etc.
Rom. ASURZÍ.'to deafen`(DEX Din lat. *assurdire.). Alb.
<shurdhoj> `to become deaf', probably a loan from Latin
<surdus> `deaf' > shurdh.
Rom. ASTUPÁ.'to plug' (DEX Din lat. *asstuppare.). Alb.
<shtupoj> `to plug', <shtupë> `tow, plug'. Probably from Lat.
<stuppa> `tow'.
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