
From: altamix
Message: 31247
Date: 2004-02-27

I wondered allways about the name of the Yugoslavian republic, where
from did they got this name.This compositum "yugo-slawia" appears
clear at least for the last part the meaning being simply traced to
the word "slav".The first part appeared unclear to me until I learned
that "jug" in Albanian means "south".So, I thought that it make sense
to see Yugoslavia (Jugoslawia) as "The South Slavic country".

I would like to ask here if this is indeed the right interpretation
of the word or this is just a pure coincidence between "yugo"
from "Yugoslawia" and Albanian "jug" which means "south". Alb "jug"
form an older *sug ?

If the interpretation is right, then who called the country that way?
Yougoslawia is north of actually Albanian and this puzzle me a bit.
