Re: [tied] Infixal /o/

From: Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
Message: 30955
Date: 2004-02-11

On Wed, 11 Feb 2004, Miguel Carrasquer wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 01:31:35 +0000, elmeras2000 <jer@...> wrote:
> >There remain two quite embarrassing loose ends: (1) If /R/ was once
> >just a phoneme of the language, we would expect it to appear in
> >other material than just this one morpheme, but where are the
> >examples? -
> I still feel the loc. du. ending comes closest to having the same
> behaviour
> as this */R/.  If we assume a formation parallel to the plural one, we
> should have athematic *-X-u (pl. -S-u) and thematic *-oy-X-u (pl.
> *-oy-S-u).  The thematic form could be expected to lose the laryngeal
> (*-oyXu > *-oyyu, as indeed in Greek -oin < -oiin < -oiiun (< *-oyXu +
> -m),
> but in C-stems the laryngeal vocalised to /o/ (*-C-Xu > *-C-ou = Skt.
> -o:(s), Av. -o:, OCS -u, Lith -au~), *not* to expected Skt /i/, Grk /o/,
> rest /a/.

That is one of those things about which I know that if I had proposed them
I would get nobody's approval. Sure, *-u and *(-)o- look a bit alike, but
are there other examples of such a correspondence? And does this lead to the
understanding of the functional side that we want?
