Re: [tied] Romanian Development of /st/ (was: Against ... 'Albanian

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 30399
Date: 2004-01-31

On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 18:08:33 +0100, alex <alxmoeller@...> wrote:

>Miguel Carrasquer wrote:
>> Stressed /E/ never occurred in final position.
>Even if in Latin there was not in the final position in Rom. ( dues loose
>of -re) it became in final position.
>thus: salire > sãri > sãi.

But since there are no infinitives in */-Ere/, that is again wholly

>The palatalisation of the liquids and of /n/ at the final of the words is a
>fact which should be explained as what?

As a much later phenomenon. Final -i is still pronounced as a full vowel
/i/ in Aromanian.

>a sari ( < salire) ; eu sãr, tu sãi and so one.
>The final /i/ here should be considered as being analogical since expected
>should be not "-i" but "-ie" ( "sare" > "saie")

Not expected by anybody who knows what they're talking about.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal