Re: [tied] Slavic *sorka (was: Satem and desatemisation (was: Alban

From: alex
Message: 30136
Date: 2004-01-27

Piotr Gasiorowski wrote:
> Incidentally, the unpalatalised nil grade of *kWr.s- perhaps survives
> in the Carpathian hydronym Cri$/K�r�s (ancient Krisos), with what
> looks like syllabic *r. � l'albanais. One of the three modern Cris
> rivers is the Black Cris, Rom. Cri$ul Negru (the other two are called
> White and Rapid). But the name may equally well reflect *k(^)r.s-o-s
> 'rapid, running' (with the same treatment of *r.).
> Piotr

I seen several times the connection of the CriS's name with some IE roots.
If I remember well, Poghirc tries to relate it to the meaning "black". I
don't know in so far such attemption are right
but the ancient name "krisos" > actualy Rom. "criS" . The same "S" at the
end of the word as in ArgeS (Argesos) and MureS (Morisos)
I suspect the form *k(^)r.s-o-s could not develop as CriS in rom ( because
of the "i"; the sillabical "r." should be reflected as "r� " in Rom."
One could postulate that *k(^)r.s-o-s > cr�S > criS. Against this hypothesis
� > i speaks the ancient name Krisos where we have already "i", thus there
is no need for a such evolution of "�" to "i" unless one want to guess an
hypotheticaly "�" was represented by Greeks with "i", thing which I doubt.
