No more placenames

From: tgpedersen
Message: 29839
Date: 2004-01-20

I hope that the ban doesn't preclude me from using quotes:

from Kuhn: Vor- und Frühgermanische Ortsnamen (Kleine Schriften III)

"Weiter im Süden, östlich des Harzes und vor allem in <name of region
in Germany deleted>, ist das Bild noch bunter als im jetzt
behandelten Raum. Da sind überall die Slaven tief nach Westen
eingedrungen oder eingelassen, zum Teil weit über die Saale hinaus,
doch ohne die Bildung klarer Grenzen. Im allgemeinen gilt auch hier:
Wo <-leben> vorherrscht, ist alles Ältere nahezu ausgetilgt."


"Further south, east of the Harz mountains and above all in [...] the
picture is even more varied than in the above-mentioned area. Here
the Slavs have penetrated or were allowed to penetrate deep into the
West, partly far beyond the river Saale, but without the formation of
clear boundaries. In general the following applies: Where <-leben>
predominates, everything older is almost completely erased".

Since I am not at liberty to do otherwise, I conclude that one day
the inhabitants of this Germanic-speaking region decided to give up
all old names in their homeland and introduce the new <-leben> names.
This happened at the same time as a new war-oriented upper layer
formed (from their own ranks, of course), as can be seen from


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