[tied] Re: PIE's closest relatives

From: tgpedersen
Message: 29293
Date: 2004-01-09

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, Harald Hammarstrom <haha2581@...>
> > I think the subject-verb inversion after sentence-initial non-
> > in the Germanic languages other than English makes those languages
> > partly VSO.
> Not if you are talking about 'basic word order' (which VSO usually
> because the VS orders in Germanic are marked. But if you are talking
> about characterising the basic constituent order I belive V2 is the
> appropriate and generally accpeted term.

The so-called 'Didrichsens sætningsskema' for Danish (I think it
works for Norwegian too) is:

Front-field || v|n|adv || V|N|Adv

which means one might choose to see a 'normal' SVO sentence as one
with fronted subject.

> > Where did that inversion come from?
> Good question.
> I for one don't know any other languages that mark questions by
> inverting the 'basic' order of SV.
Doesn't eg. French?
>Languages with different order
> if another constituent that the subject is fronted I believe should
> be easier to find.

Mandatory? Name one.
