At 14:47 8/01/04, you wrote:
<<<For your own illumination, browsing through a textbook of modern
Dutch would be a good idea. Specifically on the plurals: The standard
is <-(e)n><<<
No it isn't, -s is as standard as -(e)n, both are used.
1. Most words have or -s or -en,
2. some have both possibilities, with a marked preference for -s (-en is
even often perceived as slightly archaic).
<<<<-s> being used mainly after <-en>, <-er>, <-el>, and <-eren> in a small
group of neuters.<<<
And loads of words have an -s plural after vowels (any gender), written as
<'s> or <-s>.
Anyway, for a full description see:
(the online version of the Algemene Nederlands Spraakkunst)
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Frank Verhoft