DEXonline [Re: ]

From: tolgs001
Message: 29050
Date: 2004-01-03

>Thanks, but how do I look up words with non-ASCII characters?
>Cut and paste doesn't work, not does dropping the accents.

Cut & Paste works OK, although I checked this via
Mozilla (1.5) under MacOS X (10.2.x). I expect it
to work even better under Windozes.

OTOH, let's have a look at the <<Ajutor>> ("help")

<<Puteti face cãutãri cu expresii regulate. Caracterul ? poate
inlocui orice literã, iar caracterul * poate inlocui orice $ir
de litere (inclusiv $irul vid). De exemplu, d*r cautã toate
cuvintele care incep cu D $i se terminã cu R.

Nu folositi decât cele 26 litere din alfabetul latin. Orice
cifre, spatzii, simboluri sau diacritice (de exemplu ã, î) vor
fi ignorate, cu exceptia lui * $i ? discutate mai sus.>>

---> So, RegEx searches are possible. ? can stay for any font, * for
any fonts string. E.g., by inserting d*r you'll get all words
starting with D and ending with R.

Only use the Latin alphab. characters. Don't use figures, blanks,
symbols and diacriticals (such as ă, î) that the dictionary
will ignore. Exceptions: the aforementioned ? and * <---
