Proto-Ionians revisited

From: Dan Waniek
Message: 28770
Date: 2003-12-26

Good morning, all !

After a refreshing "outburst of seasonal good-will" (to quote
Piotr), I'm back with long overdue proto-Ionian "theory", as
promised. To cut a long story short, Mr Faucounau maintained that
the language of the famous Phaistos disk was proto-Ionian. He pushed
the higher chronology for these ancestors of "sea peoples" as far
back as Troy I and Troy II (before the first burnt city there), well
in advance of Ancient Cycladic and everything we knew so far for
that matter. Moreover, Mr Faucounau applied to his statistical
review of the glyphs on the Phaistos disk only his deep knowledge of
Greek etymologies. On the downside, he was apparently forced to
invent some etyma, and to bring an extra (if not external or
extraneous) lectio incerta as an immediate corroboration. Before I
go on to discussions and consequences, these are, so far, the data
que extant omnia. As a non-specialist myself, the first problem I
see here is that many of Mr Faucounau's proposals, including that by
now famous 'eimion' (see some older messages here) are not found in
Frisk or Beekes. Then there always is ei)mi/, from the Attic
Infinitive ei)=nai. Any ideas?

(irismeister, i. e. something worst that anything you can imagine : )