> To support this connection, you should demonstrate that there are
> Semitic loans among the roots showing the *s mobile (preferably a
> significant percentage of them). I gather you assume that the
> causative value of the initial *s- was not recognised by the Indo-
> which immunises your suggestion against semantic verification.
I took all the PIE roots (but I'm not even a third finished) with s-
mobile in
Mark R. V. Southern
Sub-Grammatical Survival:
Indo-European s-mobile and its
Regeneration in Germanic
and tried to match them (in the following lines, marked IE and Sem
etc) with the common IE-Semitic roots in
Hermann Møller
Indoeuropæisk-semitisk Sammenlignende Glossarium
As you can see, the overwhelming majority of Southern's s-mobile
roots have a match in Semitic. That vindicates in my opinion Møller's
idea (which the Møller-hater Glen is trying to sell as his own) that
IE s-mobile originates in the Semitic causative s-preformative.
1.1 *(s)k-
a *(s)ker cut; skin, bark
IE *k^-r- cut
Sem n-s^-r saw through
b *(s)kend- shine
IE k-nd- shine
Sem X-m-t.- Assyrian "feurig flammend"
c *(s)k[h2]eng- limp
k^-ng- limp
IE k^nk- hang; hesitate, worry
Sem s^´-n-k.- tie, hang
d *(s)kerh2-d- jump, hurry
IE k^r-t- frighten
Sem s^´-r-d- flee, be drdiven away
e *(s)keh2i-t/d- bright
IE k-yt- bright
Sem (n-)g-h- shine
gahara Arab. it was apparent
f *(s)ke[h2]y-s- clean
g *(s)kew- [~h2ew-] look, watch, priest
h *(s)klew-t/d- close
IE kW-l- contain
IE kla:- close
Sem k-l-A- lock up, hinder
i *(s)kewn- puppy
IE k^wo:-, k^wo:n- dog
Sem z´.-p-y- hyaena
j *(s)k-r.t-, *(s)k-r.t- dung
IE t-r-(k^/X-)
by metathesis kr-t- ?
Arabic Darak.a "stercus excrevit avis"
1.2 *(s)k^-
a *(s)k^e[h2]y-p- post, stick, penis
b *s)k^ewp- shoulder(blade)
IE k-wb- hollow before hip on animals
Sem g-w-
ge:w Hebr back (of person)
g-w-b make a hole
g-w-s^- man's breast
1.3 *(s)kW-
a*(s)kWer- make, create
b */s)kWal-o large fish
1.4 *(s)t-
a *(s)tenh2- thunder, moan
IE thunder, moan
Sem t-n-m- tingle
Sem dh-n- sound
with w-infix or w-preformative + metathesis
IE dhw-n sound
Sem t.-n-
t.-n-n- hum, buzz
b *(s)tewd- hit
IE t-w- hit
Sem d-p-
single redupl d-p-p- beat
c *(s)teh2 thief
d *(s)teh2- stand
e (s)teyg- prick
f *(s)t[h2]eg- cover
IE t-g- cover
Sem d-g-
single redupl. d-g-g- cover
g *(s)ter-, *(s)h2ter- is actually *h2s-ter-
h *(s)teygh-
i *(s)trenk- strong, strict
IE st(h)-rg^-
Sem t-r-s.- firm, robust
j (s)terh2- trunk
k *(s)trel- whirl
IE t-r- whirl
Sem t-t- shake
Sem t-r-r- crush
1.5 *(s)p-
a *(s)pek^- look
IE sphe:- be good
Sem p-A-
Sem p-A-l- omen
b *(s)pen- toil, strain, hang, weigh, stretch
pendeo hang
IE bh-ndh- bind
Sem b-n-t.-
Hebr 'a-Bne:t Gürtel der Priester
Sem t.-n-b stretch tent ropes
c *(s)ph2oym/n- foam
pu:mex pumice
IE bhong fungus
Sem k.-y-b-
Arab k.aybaluN fungi genus
d *(s)ping finch
e *(s)pern- wing
IE p-r-
Sem p-r-H- fly
IE p-rn- wing
f *(s)pey[H]-k- peck
IE sph-y- cleave
Sem p-A-y- cleave
g *(s)prengh- press
IE sp(h)r-g^h- burst forst
Sem bElas. sprout
3.1 *(s)kh-
a *(s)kh2e[n]d- smash, splinter
IE skh-d spread, scatter
Sem k-t--l cut into small pieces
b *(s)k^[h2]eHy-d/t- furrow, split
as above
c *(s)gWhel- crookedness
3.2 *(s)th-
3.3 *(s)ph-
a *(s)bherh2g-, *(s)ph2erh2g- break, sprout
IE bhr-g- break
Assyr para:s.u break forth
b (s)bherH-, *(s)ph2erH jerk
from bh-r-
c *(s)ph2ey- spoon
IE sph-y- split
Sem p-A-y split
d *(s)ph2el- split
IE p-l- split
Sem p-l-l- break forth
e *(s)ph2el- sparkle
IE bh-l- shine
Sem b-r-r- shine
f *(s)ph2yeHw- spit
see sponge