Re: Proper methodology (was: RE: [tied] Re: Mother of all IE langua

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 28329
Date: 2003-12-11

>Of course it can. See H. Craig Melchert "Anatolian Historical Phonology",
>p. 58, on Sievers-Lindeman in Anatolian, I quote:
>*sw�:s "you"(pl.) > *suw�:s > Hitt. sume:s.

Okay, I know something is just wrong. Either Miguel isn't explaining this
properly or something is invented. If Melchert did say this, I just thought
a reason why I might be confused. Since I know damn well that *yu:s
is the _real_ IE 2pp, what then is *swe:s from? Is it really an IE 2pp as
say or is this really something that is supposed to have replaced the 2pp
*yu:s in Hittite?

I'm thinking that your *swe:s is actually "oneselves" < *swe "self, oneself"
+ *-es [plural]. If that's it, it's a case of pronominal replacement, in
case I might stomach that etymology for Hittite. However, to use Hittite for
your "proof" of your **tuatu nonsense becomes all the more absurd then.

Why do I always have to repeat this question:
Miguel, what are you talking about??

= gLeN

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