From: Exu Yangi
Message: 28311
Date: 2003-12-10
>From: "Roger Mills" <romilly@...>_________________________________________________________________
>"Exu Yangi" wrote:
> >The occi- is an ancient root.
> >It shows up in Anatolian aki- (to kill), without a trace of >the
>strange -g- . Does anyone know the origin of the >final -dere (I assume
>originally -dese) ?
>I have no idea why the Romanian reflex of Lat. occi:dere should end up with
>a -g-... but no-one has yet ponted out that occi:dere is a compound of ob +
>caedere 'to cut'; in the compounded form, the ae diphthong reduces to long
>i. There is no root occi-, no inexplicable -dere.
>I remember well, in Latin class, the confusion that arose between occidere
>(short vowel in all forms, < cadere 'to fall') and occi:dere (long V in
>forms < caedere). From the former -cid- we get _occident(al), deciduous
>etc._ , from the latter -ci:d- such words as _decide, incise, incision et