Re: [tied] Romanian Swadesh list

From: Bogdan Giusca (disc)
Message: 28125
Date: 2003-12-08

Hello Miguel,

Monday, December 8, 2003, 11:58:27 AM, you wrote:

MC> I was looking at the 100 Swadesh list for Romanian.

MC> As far as I can see, there are 2 definitely non-Romance words:

MC> sand nisip < Slavic
MC> road drum < Greek

MC> What are the etymologies (say, according to DEX)?

MC> I'm not sure about:

MC> neck gât/gît origin?

sl. glutu

MC> foot picior

lat. petiolus

MC> bite mu$ca (like Spa. mascar < masticare?)


MC> kill omorî

sl. umoriti

MC> cloud nor

lat. nubilum

MC> ash(es) frasin (< fraxinu the tree?)

lat. fraxinus, yes it's the tree

ash is cenu$a (lat. cinusia)