Re: [tied] Re: Dacian - /H/ -> seems possible

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 28101
Date: 2003-12-07

On Sun, 07 Dec 2003 18:03:33 +0100, Miguel Carrasquer <mcv@...> wrote:

>As Piotr said: "So far, you've only given us an alphabetic
>list of ancient "Illyrian" placenames, showing that their phonological
>form has been transformed by Albanian sound changes. Well, that's what
>we should expect anyway, since the sound changes in question are
>post-Roman and would have affected any word borrowed during the early
>Middle Ages."

The kind of evidence that should be resented would be to show that a
particular Illyrian word or, more likely, name, has undergone the kind of
changes that affected Albanian between the time of PIE and the time of the
earliest Latin loans.

Piotr has already mentioned a couple of the relevant criteria:

>For example,
>if a phonetic process regularly affects Latin loanwords in Albanian (as
>well as inherited words, early loans from Greek, etc.), it must have
>been productive at the time of borrowing or still more recently.
>Examples include the change of au > a, the vocalisation and loss of
>intervocalic voiced stops, such changes as s > sh and j- > (*z^-) > gj-,
>and Tosk rhotacism. If, however, a process operates regularly in
>inherited words but never in loans from Latin (e.g. the merger of *a and
>*o, or the change of *sk > h), its operation must have predated Albanian
>contacts with Balkan Latin.

So here we already have 7 soundlaws classified according to the criteria
EARLY (o > a, sk > h) and LATE (au > a, -D- > -0-, s > sh, j- > gj-, -n- >
-r- (T)).

Taking Beekes' list of Albanian soundlaws (pp. 261-267), what can be said
about the periodization of the other ones?

1) -VDV- > -V (D=voiced stop) LATE
2) C1C2 > C2 (C1,C2=stop)
3) CN > N (C=stop, N=nasal)
4) NT > ND
5) NS > S
6) VnV > VrV (Tosk) LATE
7) an > ën (Tosk) LATE
8) *ty, *k^y > s; *d(h)y > z
9) *kWe > se; *g(h)We > ze
10) merger voiced asp./unasp.
11) *k^ > th; *g^(h) > d(h)
12) *k^w > s; *g^(h)w > z
13) *k^l- > q; *g^l- > gj-
14) sk > h EARLY
15) s > sh LATE
16) s- > gj-
17) -s > 0; sd(h) > dh; sw > w
18) sp > f
19) sw > d
20) r > rr
21) l > ll; sl > ll
22) -nj > -j
23) r. > ri
24) wl. > ul
25) m. > a
26) y- > gj-
27) -y- > 0
28) w- > v-
29) -w- > 0
30) i > e before a:
31) u > y before i
32) i: > i
33) u: > y
33) -u: > -i
34) e > je
35) je > ja
36) je > i
37) o > a EARLY
38) a > e before i
39) e: > o
40) a: > o
41) o > ua/va/vo
41) o: > e
42) ei > i
43) ai/oi > e
44) eu > e
45) au/ou > a LATE
46) au- > ve-

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal