PIE *wra:d- branch, root
From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 27944
Date: 2003-12-04
wr.(h)d-ya, Greek <rhiza> `root', Alb. <rrânjë/rrënjë> `id.'
If we agree that syllabic liquid /r./ in Albanian yields /ri/, until
in Greek /ra/, than we have to find the phonological development of
*wri(h)d-ya to Albanian <rrânjë/ rrënjë> `root'. I guess that this
suffixed reduced form firs was nasalized in Proto-Albanian, getting
the form *wri(h)nd-ya, following later intermediary forms: rrind-ya
(through assimilation of cluster /wr/ > /rr/, cf. PIE *arwa: > Alb.
arrë `nut, nut-tree')> rren(d)ya (due to iCC>eCC, cf. *bhendh- > Alb.
bind, PIE *pezd > pith, etc. ) > rrânja/rrënja. The dropping of
stops, in this case /d/, is regular in Proto-Albanian (cf. *odma >
amë `smell').
But, we have also form <rrânza/rrënza> `radicle' that testifies for
evolution of /*dy/ > /z/.
I believe that to this root is the origin of Alb. <rrem> `branch'
from colored form *wraH2d-mi > rrami > rrem, through i-Umlaut and
suffixed form <wraH2d-ake> `scull, ball of the head'. Other word
<rrâzë/rrëzë> `bottom, foot of (a hill), probably from <rrânzë, I
find as diminutive form.
Any comments?
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