From: elmeras2000
Message: 27859
Date: 2003-11-30
> [..] I do accept it.Perhaps
> I just haven't had the time to consider its wider ramifications.
> roots of a certain phonological structure favoured thematizationin more
> general terms (not just *-ro).That still is possible. I mean, if such a wider and more detailed
> Hiatus-breaking n-insertion? That's not what B.A.O. says about *-ino: "The
> type is generally assumed to have originated as *-no- derivativesbased on
> locatives in *-i from consonant stems" (tNiBA, p. 276).I think she could have refined that. Anyway, there does not seem to
> In Slavic, we can also think of * or of -Ino < *-no- directly,with a
> cluster-breaking /I/ between two consecutive cononants, as in theD/I/Lpl.
> of the C-stems, as required by Slavic phonotactics.So? That would hardly make it parallel with *-ro- and *-u-.