From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 27761
Date: 2003-11-27
>On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, Miguel Carrasquer wrote:That would be even more remarkable.
>> >> and adjectives in -rĂ³? Can a mere 10% relict forms keep such a
>> >> phonologically non-obvious historical connection alive synchronically?
>> >
>> >You seem to forget about all the many ro-adjectives that were in keeping
>> >with the rule. That raises the percentage to a lot more than ten.
>> You haven't understood what I meant.
>I rather think it is the other way round. I do not think there are 10 %
>relic forms, on the contrary I estimate there are some 10 % *innovative*
>forms with the "wrong" suffix, i.e. with *-ro- combined with a sonant
>nucleus, or *-u- after a vowel (vocoid) nucleus.