Re: [tied] Re: Indus Valley script decoded?

From: Harald Hammarstrom
Message: 27695
Date: 2003-11-27

> In the big article, many of the quoted words seem to be Dravidian.
> Enough to fit in with opinions that the SSVC's main language was
> Dravidian.
> The Sanskrit words quoted in the long article with them may be
> Sanskrit loanwords from Dravidian. To check that, find how many of
> those words appear in other IE languages.
> The presence of Elamite and Brahui in the Dravidian and related
> family may show that Dravidian or related once was spoken in parts of
> Persia, and if so, Iranian languages may contain Dravidian loanwords:
> is that so?

A more modern theory, based on loanwords into Sindhi and other
geographically intermediate lgs between North-Drav. and Brahoi, is that
Brahoi is the language that migrated off westward. But more study is
needed. Almost all Brahoi speakers today are bilingual and Brahoi has
therefore has massive influence from Balochi. For the other direction I
don't know. Balochi certainly has such retroflexes and other areal
features of the region but there's nothing saying that has to be from
Brahoi. But there's probably something at least, check the article on
Brahoi in _The Dravidian Languages_ ed. Sanford Steever.

