Re: [tied] Re: Lat. cotoneus > Rum. gutui is ok?

From: alex
Message: 27679
Date: 2003-11-27

Miguel Carrasquer wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 18:30:28 +0100, alex <alxmoeller@...>
> wrote:
>> About "-neus" one cannot say the same; one need the "i" for making
>> the "n" to become palatal. The "e" _is not_ enough.
> Yes it is. The -e- is unstressed and followed by another vowel, which
> means that already in Vulgar Latin it had become /j/. Cf. Catalan
> codony (where <ny> is the spelling for palatal /n^/) < cotoneus.

> =======================
> Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
> mcv@...

That is that ! Thank you Miguel. The change eu > j did happen _in Latin_
already , even if in VLat , not in PRom where a such change is
imposible. Thus classical "neus" cannot give directly "ni" in PRom.

P.S. the Greek word which appears to be the word which Latin loaned from
has the "i" already : kodunion
