From: tgpedersen
Message: 27640
Date: 2003-11-26
>hand and
> Torsten:
> >I thought that was so. So how does that prove that the "seven" word
> >originated in Semitic and not somewhere else?
> I will only answer if you promise to have your cup of java in your
> have drunk at least three sips. Have you done it? Ready? Feelingalive now?
> Here we go.simply not
> As was already said, *septm is an _indivisable_ root in IE. It is
> made up of smaller IE morphemes. There is no **sep-, **sept-, or*se-.
> It's simply a single, atomic word meaning "seven".IE. This
> There _is_ a Semitic form meaning exactly "seven" that parallels
> form is *sab`atum. But it happens to be the masculine, mimated formwith
> of the numeral. It _can_ be divided into smaller meaningful parts
> main root *sab`-.Torsten,
> This shows painfully clear, unless your name is the contrary Mr
> that *septm can be nothing but a Semitic numeral. It can onlyloan.
> be divided into Semitic, not IE, morphemes. Ergo, it's a Semitic
>You have just proved that the "seven" is loan from Semitic to IE