From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 27631
Date: 2003-11-26
>Miguel to Jens:As Jens stated explicitly, it's not his theory but Szemerényi's (and it
>>Allright. I feared you had abandoned the analysis through *dek^mt-os >
>>*dek^m-tos. Any other examples of -Cos > -os apart from neognós (if it is
>I wish he had. It still remains unproven assumption that *dekm and *-kmt-
>are not anything more than _different_ stems. The aberrant post-IE instances
>of what appear to be forms derived from **dekmt are not adequate proof
>because numeric analogies happen far too frequently and it is the form
>*dekm that is the norm in IE. It's simply an extra theory of Jens that need
>not be assumed.