From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 27389
Date: 2003-11-18
>Nevertheless, to keep the post on topic. I looked up my ThomasDoes the book say anything else relevant to the question?
>O. Lambdin _Introduction to Classical Ethiopic_ (an absolutely
>brilliant book btw) to cite some forms for Miguel et al:
> Masc.: Fem:
>nom.: sab'atú sab'ú
>acc.: sab'atá sab'ú
>Masc. nom. has a common variant form sab´a:tú and there you
>see that Lambdin transliterates a for the vowel that corresponds
>to Ar. a and a: for Ar. a: etc. The stress placement is from the
>Ethiopic tradition rather than comparative data (the source is
>likely to be E. Mittwoch, _Die traditionelle Aussprache des
>Äthiopischen_, Berlin 1926).