Re: [tied] Re: language shift ( it was Celts & Cimmerians)

From: alex
Message: 27011
Date: 2003-11-10

John wrote:
> Alex, re the information below.
> You make it sound as if the abandonment of local languages was the
> result of the choice by speakers of those local languages. It is
> not so much a "letting go" of an indigenous language, as rather a
> being "pulled away" from it.
> In Australia, from the 1800's, any Aboriginal child found speaking
> an Aboriginal language at school was punished. Similar things
> happened in North America with "Indians" being educated in "white
> schools", and even in Wales, Scotland and Ireland, where children
> caught speaking Celtic languages were punished (usually by being
> whipped!) It even happened in African schools and in Papua New
> Guinea!
> Eventually, the "Stolen Generation" of "half-caste" Aborigines in
> Australia, were taken away from their native speaking parents and
> forced into concentration camps (called "Native settlements") where,
> under dormitory conditions and controlled by white supervisors,
> again they were punished for speaking any language other than
> English.
> From what I understand, bith Canada and the USA had similar
> institutions, and an attempt to force abandonment of native
> languages.
> Keep these policies up for a number of generations and it is not
> surprising that we find a loss of language.
> Regards
> John

I was not aware about these kind of "barbarismus" John. Leting by side
the historical linguistic now, such things are unbelivable.. I am ..
hmm.. sorry, of course I belive what you say, I just am very astonished
by such facts.
No wonder about the aboriginies being not able to create enclaves within
the "white" colonists. No comment more and it ought one does not compare
anymore what did happened in the NewWorld with the times of arians &
later, of the Roman Empire. At least, so far I am informed, there is no
testimonie about Romans making such things and forcing someone to learn
Latin.. brr..pfui evil.. at least that.
