Re: [tied] Re:Parya and burushkashi languages

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 26900
Date: 2003-11-05

05-11-03 20:14, dharminder chuhan wrote:

> Could anyone please tell me where I can get
> information about the Parya langusge of Tajikistan.
> Also does anyone know about the relationship between
> this language and Panjabi, and if so what proof is
> there.

There's very little on Parya on the Web, but perhaps these links will help:

Parya is said to be rather closely related to Rajasthani, Punjabi and
Sindhi. There's an article on Parya by John Payne in _Languages and
Scripts of Central Asia_ (S. Akiner & N. Sims-Williams. London: SOAS,
University of London, 1997), if you are near a well-stocked academic

> Finally could someone help me in telling me
> about Burushkashi. where can I get a basic knowledge
> of these two languages????
(first-rate stuff)
(you may need to unwrap the link)
