Eschera vs. Ashera? Cult "furniture" for Greeks & Hebrew?
From: George
Message: 26623
Date: 2003-10-24
List members,
I've recently stumbled across this word in the lexicons:
Eschara , Ion. eschar-arê [a^], hê, Ep. gen. and dat. escharophin
(ap' esch- Od.7.169, ep' esch- 5.59 , 19.389):
1. Hearth, fire-place, like Hestia, Hom. (esp. in Od.), hê men ep'
escharêi hêsto Od.6.52 ;
hêstai ep' escharêi en puros augêi ib.305 ;
of suppliants, hezet' ep' escharêi en koniêisi 7.153 .
2. pan of coals, brazier, Ar.Ach.888, V.938, cf. Poll.10.94, 95.
3. Trôôn puros escharai watch-fires of the camp, Il.10.418.
II. Sacrificial Hearth (hollowed out in the ground and so dist. from
bômos, structural altar, St.Byz. s.v. bômoi, Phot.; used esp. in
heroworship, Neanth.7J.), Od.14.420, S.Ant.1016 : but freq. used
generally, altar of burnt-offering, pros escharan Phoibou
A.Pers.205 ; ep' escharai puros Id.Eu.108 ; hêmenas ep' escharais
ib.806 ; Puthikê E.Andr. 1240 ; at Eleusis, D.59.116, cf.
Lycurg.Fr.37 ; Hêrakleidôn e. IG2.1658 (iv B.C.) ; so bômioi escharai
structured altars, E.Ph.274 ; sometimes movable, X.Cyr.8.3.12,
Callix.2, PCair.Zen.13 (iii B.C.).
III. Fire-Stick (bored with the trupanon, q. v.), Thphr.HP5.9.7, Ign.
IV. Platform, Stand, Basis, Ph.Bel.92.13, Ath.Mech.32.10,
I am struck by the employment of this term
in comparison to how the term "Ashera" is employed
in the bible.
Naturally, one has to decide on one of the following
1) coincidence;
2) Greek use followed Hebrew use;
3) Hebrew use followed Greek use.
What can we conclude about the roots of the Greek
Eschera? Does it have a long history? Or does it
appear, "deus ex machina", out of nowhere, somewhere
after Greek contact with Hebrew culture? I myself
tend to see the Hebrew use of the term as a recent
innovation... perhaps to "de-mystify" a Palestinian
interest in the goddess Asherat (in other words,
turn the goddess into a piece of Greek furniture!).
But I'm just guessing at this point.
Information about the roots of the Greek term
would obviously be very important in order to
reduce the "guess-work".
Looking forward to thoughts on this.
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