Re: Italian falegname "joiner"

From: altamix
Message: 26577
Date: 2003-10-21

--- In, "m_iacomi" <m_iacomi@...> wrote:
> The correct derivation is Lat. "ligna:me(n)" (`timbering`) > It.
> "legname", Port. "lenhame"; Latin word is a derivative of "lignum"
> (`(piece of) wood`) with collective or generic suffix -(a:)me(n),
> still active (though not as much as other Latin suffixes) in
> See for instance Lat. "co:gita:men" `thinking, thought` (< cogito ),
> "frustra:men" `deception` (< frusto), "spurca:men" `dirt, filth`
> (< spurco), "aera:men" `copper, bronze` (< aes, -ris) etc..
> In Aromanian, the collective sense is preserved: "armâname"
> `(generic for) Aromanian people`.
> Regards,
> Marius Iacomi

so far I know there is "armãnâme";
if you want to link "-ame" from Aromanin to Latin "-amen" I wonder
what you intend to do with DacoRomanin "-ime" which is the same as
the Aromanian "-âme" ( at least form teh gramatical function if not
from the same origin)

The suffix has anyway not the function of the Latin suffix; in
Aromanian and DacoRomanian this is a suffix which is used for making
gneric nouns from the plural form of other nouns or adjectives.
About its origin there are some questions...
