Re: [tied] Hung. toponyms [Re: Romanian Loan in OCS?]
From: Piotr Gasiorowski Message: 26569 Date: 2003-10-20
20-10-03 16:24, Egijus wrote:
> Szalmas ['sOlmOS] < szalma "straw;" Szarvas ['sOrvOS] <
> Hello,
> Word SALMS in Latvian language means STRAW too.
I have already commented on that. The Hungarian loan reflects Slavic
*solma (or perhaps metathesised *slama, re-metathesised in Hungarian to
avoid a prohibited CC- onset). The PIE prototypes were *k^olh2-mah2 and
*k^l.h2-mo-s 'stalk, straw', hence also OPr. salme, Lat. culmus, Gk.
kálamos, Gmc. *xalmaz (> Ger. Halm, Eng. haulm).
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