From: aap_br
Message: 26426
Date: 2003-10-14
> Standard Italian can but need not show agreement:I usually don't post to the list. But could I add some things to your
> <Ho scritto una lettera> is much more frequent than
> <Ho scritta una lettera> (the latter form may be exlusively
> literary)
> but, as in French, things are different when theMaybe both have similar frequencies.
> participle follows the noun: La lettera che ho scritta/scritto
> are both acceptable. (I don't know which one is more common
> in spoken Italian).
> In Catalan, there is usually no agreement in the modern language,This rule also applies to Italian:
> except when a third person direct object pronoun (el/la/els/les,
> en) is present:
> Has tancat la porta? Sí, l'he tancada.
> He menjat dues taronges. / D'aquestes taronges, n'he menjades dues.
> Castilian lost the agreement in the XVth century.The same happened to Portuguese (maybe by about the same time as