Re: [tied] The indo european "race"

From: John
Message: 24970
Date: 2003-08-06

Exu Yangi wrote

> the risk of being politically incorrect, I am afraid
> that what we often believe we know is wrong. Or are you really
> saying you can't tell a Watusi from a Chinese? (Not an adhominem, I
> really want to know).

Of course one can, but where do you draw the line? Certainly not at
the Kenya border or at the frontier of the Middle Kingdom. We all
intergrade - and the intermediary people are not really "half Watusi-
half Chinese". One could just as well make the case that the Watusi
or the Chinese was on the way to somewhere else.

There is not "a Chinese gene" or "a Watusi gene" that enables us to
destinguish one clearly from another (or from their neighbours). All
us humans are hybrids....

