On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 10:40:47 +0200, Miguel Carrasquer <
mcv@...> wrote:
>On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 04:08:51 +0000, Rob <magwich78@...> wrote:
>>--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, Miguel Carrasquer <mcv@...> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 26 Jul 2003 17:14:48 +0000, Rob <magwich78@...> wrote:
>>> >h3éwis
>>> Probably *h2ówis
>It's what Adams reconstructs in EIEC. In fact, both *h2ówis and *h3ówis (<
>*h3éwis) are possible. There are some forms pointing to *a- (TochB pl.
>awi, Skt. avi- [not *a:vi-]), which are easier to explain as coming from
>the oblique root of *h2ów-i-: *h2éw-i- (= *h2áw-i-), but *h3éw-i-, obl.
>*h3w-éi- [or perhaps *h3ów-i-, obl. *h3éw-i- (= *h3ów-i-)] cannot entirely
>be excluded.
Let's see what happens if I apply my rules for pre-PIE.
The shape of the root may have been:
1. *xaw- 2. *xiw- 3. *xuw-
4. *xa:w- 5. *xi:w- 6. *xu:w-
The suffix may be:
1. *-i- 2. *-ay-
The accentuation may be:
1. PD 2. HD
Making 24 possible prototypes, in the nom. sg.:
*xáwîz *xáwâyz *xawíz *xawáyz
*xíwîz *xíwâyz *xiwíz *xiwáyz
*xúwîz *xúwâyz *xuwíz *xuwáyz
*xá:wiz *xá:wayz *xa:wíz *xa:wáyz
*xí:wiz *xí:wayz *xi:wíz *xi:wáyz
*xú:wiz *xú:wayz *xu:wíz *xu:wáyz
Only five of these lead to the attested nom.sg. *ówis:
1. *xúwîz > *h3éwye:s ~ *h3éwis
2. *xá:wiz > *h2ówis
3. *xá:wayz > *h2ówis
4. *xú:wiz > *h3ówis
5. *xú:wayz > *h3ówis
The acc., voc. and gen. for these:
1. *xúwîm > *h3éwye:m ~ *h3éwim
2. *xá:wim > *h2ówim
3. *xá:waym > *h2ówim
4. *xú:wim > *h3ówim
5. *xú:waym > *h3ówim
1. *xúwîy > *h3éwe:y ~ *h3éwey
2. *xá:wiy > *h2ówi
3. *xá:way > *h2ówi
4. *xú:wiy > *h3ówi
5. *xú:way > *h3ówi
1. *xuwí(y)âs > *h3wyós
2. *xa:wí(y)as > *h2éw(e)is
3. *xa:wáyâs > *h2éwyos
4. *xu:wí(y)as > *h3wéis
5. *xu:wáyâs > *h3wyós
The attested genitive form is of the secondary type (*-yes, *-yos, not
*-eis), which eliminates two (#2, #4), and leaves three possibilities:
1. stem *xúwi- > *h3éwis, *h3wyós
3. stem *xá:way- > *h2ówis, *h2éwyos
5. stem *xú:way- > *h3ówis, *h3wyós
On the whole, Sanskrit ávis, ávyas seems to favour possibility #3
(*xá:way-z, *xa:wáy-âs > *h2ówis, *h2áwyos).
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal