Re: Slavic ban "leader"

From: g
Message: 24620
Date: 2003-07-17

> Did you search for that, or did you just remember it?

I had to search, since I couldn't remember when
<ban> et al. were discussed exactly.

> If you searched for it, can you give a clue on getting
> better search results through the Yahoo Groups search
> engine?

Given that the English word ban might occur quite
often, I inserted (in order to click "Search Archive"):

"ban"+"pan" ("ban" or ban only will extract too many

Then a few clicks on "NEXT". "ban"+"zupan" and/or
"zhupan" also reveal some messages.

A mere ban+pan will result in this message:

<<No matches found in the messages searched.
Click "Next" to search more messages.>>

> - Chris


PS: additional keywords: z^upan, (Romanian) jupan, jupân,
(Hungarian) ispán, (German) Gespan; (German family names)
Schup(p)an, Zschup(p)an