--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, Piotr Gasiorowski
<piotr.gasiorowski@...> wrote:
> 14-07-03 11:16, tgpedersen wrote:
> It's quite clear that in the cases of *garda- and *tu:na- the
meaning > 'enclosure' is older than 'town',
I like this list, it take 2 weeks to go from msg. 1 (reading ~30%).
My subject is computers (AI) and previously molecular biology.
I see linguistics as an analog way to differentiate digitalized
(quantum,discrete) sounds. The all between stages
but a loot of
research to give answer - why?
1 For fence /*gard?o:
I just wonder what are the (most effective) sounds used for chasing
out wild animals during hunting. (sound devices?)
Is it possible that some kind of wooden fences was like a net? Or
traps on grassy treeless / laves-less places? (la?ne versus la?s) It
will be big advantage for hunters - just close the gate! The logical
step to domesticate.
2 What is the level of onomatopoeic roots between languages? 2a)Could
it be used to measure the ancestry between languages? 2b)Or is it
secondary effect that roots drift to onomatopoeic sounds.
I like considering sound vet/wit
If the old tree is fallen by wind or thunder... will grow in new
What the sound of swinging stem will be in different languages?
Truly good list!
Thanks all for your effort