> >BTW, does anyone know the meaning of Italian
> >"cutulare" (in some Southern dialect)?
>`to shake` (in Sicilian and Pugliese)
Grazie! Well, then, Alex, here's the answer, this
is the kinship of our "scuturare".
I found cutulare on some websites today, such as:
<<Una canzone in particolare ca ni piace assai e`
" PASSIONE": in essa vi e` una lunga serie di parole
che esaltano il sentimento che viene chiamato AMORE.
Nautru brano ca ni face mpaccire e nellu steeso
mumentu ca ni face cutulare intra la danza e`...
but I wasn't sure whether it had the same meaning.
(I only understood that "Nautru brano ca ni face mpaccire..."
must be some dialect, a southern one if "mumentu" &
> Marius Iacomi