Re: Albanian Christian religious terminology

From: g
Message: 23909
Date: 2003-06-26

> > Yes, this is the main hypothesis. The next one is COLLATIO.
> Sure this is a typo. The other Latin infered word is "calatio"
>(acc. "calationem") `convoking, calling, summoning`.

Oh, shucks, of course! Thank you for the correction. My
poor memory tends to leave me in the lurch. :)

Methinks that both <creationem> and <calationem> could
have resulted in <c(ã)rãciune> (as titionem > tãciune).

> Marius Iacomi
>PS - Aromanian word for `Saviour` is "Ascâpâtorlu"

In Romanian, this would be Scãpãtor; with def. art.,
Scãpãtorul. (The verb, <a scãpa, scãpare, scãpat>,
means inter alia "to escape; to rescue s.o.; to drop"
