From: alex
Message: 23834
Date: 2003-06-25
> I agree with your agreement about my impressions, Alex :-)pleasure on my side:-) Your impressions have been corelated with the
>Etruscan = assumed non Ie , the inscriptions are not desciphred.
> But there is one point of yours that confusses me:
> [alex] The only documented languages in the Old Europa is Latin and
> Greek. The case of the Roman Empire is the only
> one explanation for the linguistic assumption due the fact the other
> languages are not documented. Thus one assume that not being
> documented > we can ignore them lingusitcialy in most points, we can
> explain trough Latin/Greek the linguistic aspects, and there where
> soemthing does not fit, then we can remind about the unknown
> languages which can play the role of the joker now.
> ----
> [davius] But if there are many documents in say Phoenician-Punic,
> Etruscan, Umbrian, Oscan, Celtiberian, Lepontic, Gaulish, ... Aren't
> they documented languages?