Re: [tied] OF "Mare"

From: alex
Message: 23790
Date: 2003-06-24

m_iacomi wrote:
>> The evidence for "mare"= great is even in OE in Glosarum saxonicum.
> Where exactly?!

well, the texts which i have here should be after the edition of 1840 of
Glosarium saxonicum and it should be found as follow:

lat. famosus = sax. "mâri" ( p.151 I)
lat. gloria = sax. mâri/tha ( p. 153 I)
lat. illustris = mâri ( p. 154 I)

In OE should be found more as follow:

mare, mara= large, great
maere= famous, glorious.

For last two I have no reference to lok for, but maybe one who has a
dictionary of OE can find it out to confirm/infirm this. I will be
thankfully to see a infirmation / confirmation because I simply don't
have any reference about OE to look in.

In the chornicle od dux of Normandia the word should appear too as:
"li Maire, li plus forz"= the biggest, the stronggest.

One wil assume that even in the writing of Procopius of Cesarea (De
aedificiis) should be the word written as Mare bourgou" and not "Mera

>> Paranthesis. I am not sure if "ber" here is a short form of "baron".
>> It looks similar with balcanic expresion "bre" which is considered
>> to be of turkish origin in all Balkan.
> Another piece of evidence, isn't it?! :)

No. I am not saying this is a piece of evidence. I just said that it
seems to me that this "ber" is like in Balkanic "bre since it makes
senses too and I am not sure if this "ber" is a short form of "baron".

Chanson of Rolland:
Tant mare fusest ber !

Tare mare fusei bre!

More as this I did not said, did I ?

> I guess you checked all translations and you found out your
> wishful thinking translation of "mare". Maybe you will explain
> also why there is no final /s/, the generalized morpheme for
> plural, in the sequence "mare fustes seigneurs"... according to
> your translation one should expect "mares".
> Thou ain't no fun on this.
> Marius Iacomi

I just showed what I see. I did not translated anything as you observe,
I let you make the translation of these. As for the /s/ is your problem
as romanists to find out what about, not mine.

you can find more:
verse 1860 :Li empereres tant mare vos nurrit!
verse 2145 :Paien dient: «Si mare fumes nez!
verse 2220 :Dist l'arcevesque: «Tant mare fustes ber!»
verse 2300 :E! Durendal, bone, si mare fustes!
verse 2475 :Franceis escrient: «Mare fustes, Rollant!» AOI.
verse 2820 :E Bramidonie vient curant cuntre lui;Si li ad dit: «Dolente,
si mare fui!

If for you this means anything else as "great" you should demonstrate it
and not just using the usual expresion "wishful thinking".
