Re: [tied] Duridanov's work ( it was Thracian , summing up)

From: alex
Message: 23693
Date: 2003-06-21

Lisa Darie wrote:

> I found in Duridanov's study few valuable sources of informaton,as
> the Ezero inscription, the people-names and part of the place-names,
> but in his reconstructed words based on Baltic languages there are
> none of the words from the Ezero inscription or those that survived
> in the Bulgarian toponymy and anthroponomy. His study is based on
> hypothetical words that were established based on a language of a
> different IE family and a preconceived idea. In this situation of
> course there is a lexical correspondence. Even more they appear to be
> genetically related for which we don't have any certain evidence.
> Lisa
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

My opinion is that Duridanow used just the phonological similitudess but
not too much more. A list of simmilarities common to Baltic and Thracian
as per Duridanow view:

Dacian / Baltic

ON - Batkounion lit. Batkunai
- Dingion Dinge (Wald)
- Kabule FN kabula
- Kubsela lit. ON kupselai, subst. kupselis
- Markellai lit. SeeN. Markelis
- Purdae SeeN. Purde
- Rumbodona Rumbow (Furt), lett. rumba
- Sartes lit. FIN Sarte
- Silta lit. FIN Sil t-upis
- Scretisca lith. ON Skretiske
StN - Trausoi lett. trauss, truasls, lit. trausus
PN - Bruzos lit. PN Bruzas
- Kartouza let. ON Kartuzi
- Kerses PN Kerse, lit. kersas
- Putras alett. PN Putre
- Sautes allett FN Sautte
- Skilas lit. PN Skyle
- Sparke PN Sparke

Dacian / Baltic

ON - Balanson ON Bolausen
- Brucla lett. FlurN Brukle
- Galtis lit. ON Galtai, Galten-garb (Berg)
- Genoukla lett. Dzenuklis (Sumpf)
- Drasdea Drasda
- Ciniscus zem. ON KiniSkia
- Clevora lit. FIN Kleva, ON Klevai
- Malva lett FIN Malvis, FlurN. Mal vju-plava
- Papirios lit. ON Paspiriai
- Residina Resedynen
- Stendai lett. FIN Stende
StN - Getenoi lit ON Getenai (Urspr. Ethnikon)
- Scaugdae Skawdegede = lit. Skaudgedas
PN - Burtinus PN Burtin(us)
- Gerula Gerulis
- Degis lit. PN Jau-degis
- Mamutzis alett. PN Mamwtze
- Putina alett. PN Puttin
- Sausa Sause
- Skabes FN Skabe
- Sirmos lit. ON Surmai
- Tauto-medes PN Thawthe, Mede, Medis

FN= Familienname ; FIN= Flußname ; FlurN= Flurname; ON= Ortsname; PN=
Personenname; StN= Stammesname.

A little commentar:

- I don't make any comment of PN, ON, FlurN, FIN. I just want to point
out that from the StN which are known indeed to be 100% dacians,
Duridanov find just the ethnicon "Getenoi" , the Greek one in the Baltic
For the trully Dacian name of the tribes it Seems Duridanov could not
find any relation in the Baltic space.
(Some Dacian tribes: Albocenses,Apulenses, Tricornenses, Picenses,
Potulatenses, Predavenses, Saldenses, Buridenses, Buridavenses,
Ratacenses, Caucoenses, Cotenses, Greucenses, Iesenses, Senses,
Piphiges, Carpi, Cotosoboces, etc.)I mention I showed here just these
names NOrth of Danube and not the names of these who have been South of
Danube as Moesy, Bessi, etc. (There are over 150 names known as thracian

The similarity in the name of these tribes with these of italo-ibero
space is more as evidentely for everyone who is accomodated with them.

So much about Duridanov's relationships.


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