[tied] talea ( it was Re: RO eccles. term.)

From: Daniel J. Milton
Message: 23680
Date: 2003-06-20

I don't know what dictionary Alex is quoting from, but
Latin 'ta:lea' is explained in Pokorny as:
Record number: 1957
Root / lemma: ta:l-
English meaning: to grow; young animals
German meaning: `wachsen, gru"nen; Gewa"chs, junger Trieb'
Material: Gr. 'talis' - `junges mannbares Ma"dchen, Braut' , -,
ion. - f. `Hu"lsengewa"chs, Bockshorn', `gru"ne, spries|e';
lat. ta:lea `Sta"bchen, Setzling, Setzreis', dial. fu"r *ta:lia,
wie auch ta:lla = ta:lia `Zwiebelhu"lse'; Denominativ ta:lia:re
`spalten, schneiden' (urspru"ngl. `*Zweige abschneiden');

On the other hand, my Cassel's Latin Dict. has " 'talea' (root TAG,
whence 'talus', taxillus')"
and in Lewis and Short I find:

tālus , i, m. [from tax-lus; root tak-, tvak-; cf. Gr. tassô, whence
taxus; cf. taxillus] , the ankle, ankle-bone; of animals, the
pastern-bone, knuckle-bone (syn. calx).

which I THINK (the semantics are completely obscure to me) leads to
Record number: 1955
Root / lemma: ta:g-
English meaning: to put in order
German meaning: `an den rechten Platz, ordentlich hinstellen'
Material: Gr. 'ta :gos' m. `Anfu"hrer, Befehlshaber', :, :
`beherrsche, fu"hre an', nachhom. 'tasso' , att. 'tatto' , , `auf
einen bestimmten Posten, in Reih und Glied stellen, beordern,
ordnen, regeln' (Pra"s. analog. statt *), f. `Schlachtordnung',
n. `Heerschar; Ordnung', f. `Ordnung; Anordnung; Posten, Rang';
abrit. PN Pra-su-tagus (vorkelt. idg. Lw.);
lit. pa-togu\s `ansta"ndig, bequem' () = lett. pata:gs `bequem',
lit. su-to/gti `sich vertragen, sich verbinden';
toch. A ta:s/s/i Pl. `Anfu"hrer'
lit. a(t)to/las `Nachheu, Grummet', talo~kas `erwachsen,

If someone can make sense of all this, please explain.
--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, Miguel Carrasquer <mcv@...> wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 18:44:59 +0200, alex <alxmoeller@...> wrote:
> >Miguel Carrasquer wrote:
> >> On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 04:34:44 +0000, altamix <alxmoeller@...>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> P.S. the verb for " to cut" is indeed " a tãia" < *taliare.
> >>> should be the known latin word which gave *taliare for the
> >>> taia, tallar, taliare?
> >>
> >> It's Latin taleare, a derivation from talea "cutting".
> >>
> >> =======================
> >> Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
> >> mcv@...
> >>
> >
> >ta:lea, ae f. "Stäbchen, Setzling, Setzreis; jedes abgeschnittene
> >stabförmige Stück; spitzer Pfal, Eisenbarren ( seit Cic. Rom.,
> >"ta:leola" ds. seit Colum.); samt "ta:lio:", -a:re "spalte,
schneide (
> >seit Grom., "intertaliare" "dividere vel excidere ramum". Non.p.
414) zu
> >Gr. "talis" f. "mannbares Mädchen, Braut", ion. "talis" f.
> >"Hülsengewächs, Bockshorn, "telethao", "grüne, bin kräftig", alit.
> >"talokas" m. "junges Mädchen" (urpsrgl. Ntr. eines Adj. formal =
> >"talasa [neben Talisa] " eine Baumart, s. Specht KZ 68.39 ff.
> >Fraenkel KZ. 51,249 ff ; ältere Lit. Fick I 440 , Prellwitz s.v.)
> >a(t)toala "nachheu, Grummet" (aber aksl. "talijI, talija" = grüner
> >Zweig" ist nach Leksien IF. 19,207 entl. gr. "Thallios= thallos)
> >"talah"=Weinpalme, "tali"= eine Baumart (Uhlenbeck s.v.) -ea ist
> >Ernout El. lat. dial. 235 dial. Lautgebung dür im Denominativ
> >"ta:lia:re" vorliegende -ia.
> >
> >There is no IE root given.
> So what? Greek, Lithuanian, Sanskrit cognates are given, which
makes it an
> IE root.
> >
> >I have to say it is hard to see the semantic evolution
of "stäbchen" to
> >the verb " to cut"
> "jedes abgeschnittene stabförmige Stück"
> =======================
> Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
> mcv@...

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